Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fischbowl April 2007: 180 Days

In this blog, the main thing he covers is the 180 school days compared to actual educational days. Throughout his power point presentation, he gives the legitimate reason for the days students miss in school. There are many different activities that can interrupt the flow of an educational school day. Most of these activities are unavoidable. School would be a little bit of a drag without the school assemblies, pep-rallies, and holiday parties. Then, of course, you have the days taken for reviewing and test taking.

The situation at hand is what to do with the actual education days we have. Do we have time to incorporate blogging into the limited classroom time we have? Is it important enough to take time for? I personally think it is a matter of having good classroom management skills and knowing exactly what your goals are during a school day. I think with the growing rate of technology in our world, teaching the students computer skills should be a top priority. There is also a way to probably make blogs work for you and become time savers rather than time "fillers" or "wasters". I think once we begin to see the importance and effectiveness of blogs, we will be able to use it properly in the classroom.

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